What to Expect

  • Learn the principles and practices of Unbound ministry.

  • Lead an Unbound session from start to finish.

  • Speak the Father's blessing

  • Receive a certificate of completion from Heart of the Father Ministries

  • Join an online community to interact with a diverse group of people

Course curriculum


Carol Sargeant


Carol Sargeant always felt called to prayer, and praying for people’s freedom is now one of the great joys of her life. “When God set me free from the spirit of abandonment, I just knew that I needed to share that freedom with others.” Thus, Carol has been working with Heart of the Father Ministries and using the Unbound Prayer Model for almost 20 years. She has a Masters in Theological Studies and has worked, among other things, as a teacher and college counselor. She and her husband raised four children and now have three grandchildren with hopefully more on the way. Carol splits her time between their home in the Philadelphia suburbs; Hyattsville, Maryland, where the grandchildren romp and play; and the Bahamas, where her husband’s job is based. “When I walk barefoot on the beach in January, I know for sure that God loves me and answers prayers."

What You Will Need

  • Availability to work with a designated partner on weekly assignments.

  • Ability to participate respectfully in online discussions in a secure setting.

  • Willingness to learn in an ecumenical environment and respect others from various backgrounds.

  • A computer, internet, and video call ability (mic/camera).